Yan Shou Gong Netherlands

What is Yan Shou Gong

Yan Shou Gong means "The art of longevity "Yan Shou Gong (YSG) was designed in the 1980s by two grand masters: Chee Kim Thong and Yap Cheng Hai. They understood that the shaolin art took a lifetime of dedication to learn and that the time had come to share these teachings with the west and make them more accessible. Most people do not have the time to learn the practices of 36 forms (Wuji, The way of emptiness) and 108 forms (Luohan Ru yi and Soft yi Luohan) in addition to a career and family life. These forms were very tedious and it took a lot of time to learn the movements accurately. Grandmaster Yap Cheng Hai and Grandmaster Chee Kim Thong have developed Yan Shou Gong (YSG) for this reason, 36 smaller sets that are much easier to learn and take less time to practice, making it accessible to people living in the modern world today. These 36 sets capture the essence of the Shaolin Nei Gong in such a way that the practitioner can quickly achieve results and reap the benefits of these practices. Master Yap Boh Heong, the son of Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai, has taken over from his father. Yap Boh Heong a 3rd generation Kung-fu master with nearly 50 years of experience practicing Southern Shaolin TCMA (Traditional Chinese Martial Arts), NeiGong and QiGong. He has personally taken it upon himself to ensure that Yan Shou Gong continues to exist so that generations to come can also experience the benefits of Yan Shou Gong.

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